Coding Giants - programming for children - Naši redni tečaji

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Tečaji za udeležence, ki so pred tem zaključili tečaj Uvod v programiranje s programskim jezikom C# ali programskim jezikom Python.

Razvijanje iger v okolju Unity je spoznavanje principov razvoja računalniških iger na osnovi lastnihj idej z uporabo jezika C# in motorja Unity. Zahvaljujoč temu lahko ustvarjamo igre, ki temeljijo na scenarijih, kot so League of Legends, Cyberpunk, Counter Strike in mnoge, mnoge druge.

  • 14 srečanj (enkrat tedensko)

  • 2 x 45 min (vsako srečanje)

  • Število udelžencev (12)

Pet obrokov po €67.00

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Opis tečaja

Tečaj razvoja računalniških iger v okolju Unity poteka ob hkratnem spoznavanju propgramskega jezika C#. Udeleženec se nauči načinov in metodologije ustvarjanja računalniških iger, tako 2D kot 3D. V času tečaja bomo izdelali različne platformske in RPG tipe iger. UNITY 3D se uporablja kot razvojno okolje kompleksnih računalniških iger. V drugem semestru bo del tečaja namenjen modeliranju 3D elementov v Blenderju. Po tem tečaju bo študent sposoben samostojno ustvariti napredno računalniško igro. Naš spletni tečaj NI spletni seminar ali v naprej posnet tečaj na YouTubu! Med spletnimi srečanji vsak udeleženec spremlja zaslon učitelja, sliši njegov glas, učitelj pa ima vpogled v to, kaj udeleženec počne in govori (ves čas tečaja spremlja zaslon vsakega udeleženca). Vsak udeleženec lahko kadarkoli zastavi vprašanje učitelju ta pa se bo potrudil odgovorit na vsako vprašanje, pomagal poiskati morebitne napake in jih odpraviti.

Program tečaja

The first classes will be devoted to revision of the material. After a longer break, it is worth recalling the basics, which were reworked during the previous semesters.
During the second lesson the Unity 3D engine will be used. Students will get acquainted with the interface of the program, learn the basic elements of which the game consists. They will start a simple project of a UFO game where they will write a script, thanks to which they will move the spaceship around the board.
The third class will be a continuation of the previous ones. They will apply new elements related to 2D physics, so that the ship will not run away from the board but will also be able to earn points and display them.
Time for the project for the rest of the semester. This lesson will be devoted to Game Design Document to show how important it is to design games accurately at the very beginning.
During the next classes, time will be devoted to preparing a prototype of the game. Pupils will put their first materials on the game objects. They will also create a script that will allow the character to jump in the air and make the so-called double jump.
It's time to prepare the level for moving on or actually moving it. The script written during these classes will allow for a little cheating. It's the world that will move towards the player creating the illusion that it's him or her who is running on it. We will also start counting our points.
What is this game where you do nothing but run? We'll add obstacles that we'll have to avoid and the ability to control the difficulty level. The game can't be boring after all.
In the game, it happens that something goes wrong. That's why during these classes, students learn how to reload scenes to restart the level in case of a something goes wrong.
We give character to the project. These classes will be devoted to the appearance of levels, heroes or traps. Graphics and animations prepared beforehand will be added to implement them.
Money rules the world. So it will be added to the game to earn points and try to break your record with subsequent attempts. We will also add platforms so that the game does not work on just one level.
PowerUP... Today immortality will be programmed. At least temporary. We will prepare the finders, whose acquisition during the game caused additional effects.
Let us finally build a decent world. Or at least let it build itself. With the help of a few prepared prefabs our charts will be generated randomly. Thanks to that each game will be unique.
We will be working on the interface and menus for the last time. Somehow the game has to start, from somewhere we need to know how many points we have. We will also add music that will accompany us in the game.
It's time for the final touches. Correction of bugs, defects and a cherry on the cake. Export to computer and Android. The most important issues will be discussed and finally we export to boast about our game.

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