Coding Giants - programming for children - Naši redni tečaji

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Tečaj je namenjen vsem, ki jih zanima kako deluje svetovni splet in nastajajo spletne strani. Udeleženci v sklopu tečaja sami izdelajo spletno stran. Program tečaja vključuje obravnavo elementov, kot so oznake HTML, slogi CSS in še veliko več.

  • 5 srečanj (1x tedensko)

  • 90 minut (vsako srečanje)

  • Število udelžencev (10)

za tečaj €99.00

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Opis tečaja

Spletni tečaj "Razvijalec spletnih strani" je odlična možnost za posameznike, ki se želijo naučiti ustvarjati spletna mesta. Na tečaju bomo predstavili možnosti izdelave spletnih strani z uporabo HTML značk (tags) in CSS slogov. Tečajniki se seznanijo tudi s programskim jezikom JavaScript, ki omogoča ustvarjanje interaktivnih strani. V okviru tečaja izkoriščamo prednosti platforme Glitch.

Program tečaja

The lesson aims to introduce the students to the issues related to the creation of websites. Students will learn the basics of HTML and create their first page: A "Lesson Plan".
The second lesson will include more advanced HTML elements. We will discuss how to create forms on websites. The students will create a registration form.
The aim of the classes will be to create an information website for the lego store, including the logo, banner, favicon, Google fonts, interactive menu and a subpage with a contact form. Moreover, the concept of boxes of elements, badges and classes will be presented.
The goal of this lesson is to make Tic-Tac-Toe game in two-player mode. JavaScript language will be used to code the game logic.
The goal of this lesson is to make Tic-Tac-Toe game in two-player mode. JavaScript language will be used to code the game logic. Continuation of the previous lesson

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